Archives → Sewing

Cape & Crown Sewing Tutorial for a Warrior Queen (or King)

August 12, 2014
In: Sewing
Cape & Crown Sewing Tutorial for a Warrior Queen (or King) | Oomanoot #free #tutorial #sewing #kids

A couple of years ago I made my son a King costume for Purim (a Jewish holiday where we dress up and eat a lot of candy – kind of like Halloween only with a “they tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat” back story). Both kids have been using the costume for “Warrior King and Queen to protect the children from the terrible monsters” role playing, but it’s not easy when there’s only one cape & crown. My daughter has been bugging me for a while to make her a set, but I just haven’t got around to it (sound familiar?).

One day this week, we came home and she insisted I make her a crown and cape RIGHT NOW! And I said: OK! OK! I know I promised, but can I at least have a cup of coffee first?! I’m glad to say she went away for a few minutes and let me have my coffee in peace.

She chose the fabric (I’m not sure I would have gone for ALL PINK), and the whole thing was done in a couple of hours, so it could easily be a nap time project or done in one evening.

At least there are two swords, so I didn’t have to figure out how to DIY those… By the way, both swords are made of thick foam, and I recommend them very much for this kind of play – they are firm enough for fighting, but can’t really cause a serious injury (no pointy edges). They hurt when they hit you, though.

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The Easy-Peasy Light & Breezy Skirt

May 11, 2014
In: Sewing
The Easy-Peasy Light & Breezy Skirt | Oomanoot #free #sewing #tutorial #skirt

We didn’t have much of a winter this year at all. It was warm-ish during all the months which should have been cold, but the second spring arrived it became scorching hot (and then it rained for a couple of days). Weird weather is upon us. In any case, it is clear that it’s time for some summer clothes. I must admit that I don’t usually sew clothes for my kids, because it’s a lot of effort for something I can buy easily and cheaply in a store, but this skirt is so easy and I got to use such fun fabrics (I mean, dancing ballerina monkeys? What could possibly be better than that?). It was totally worth the effort.

The Easy-Peasy Light & Breezy Skirt | Oomanoot #free #sewing #tutorial #skirt read more →

Rainbow Pillow Covers: Sewing Tutorial

March 19, 2014
In: Sewing
Rainbow Pillow Covers: Sewing Tutorial | Oomanoot #rainbow #sewing #tutorial #free

[I was given a discount for the fabrics used in this post from Fat Quarter Shop, however all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.]

I managed to surprise myself and finish the pillow covers for our family room makeover in just under two weeks. And it wasn’t the only project on my plate (or actually, my desk). I’m actually getting better at planning my sewing projects in a way that they actually get done. I used to wait until I knew I had a couple of free days to start and finish a sewing project, but I’ve realized that I can’t wait for vacation (or sick days, for that matter) if I want to get anything done. This time I split the project into several tasks (cutting, pressing, sewing etc.) and did each one on a separate night. I didn’t try to push the work too late (sleep is important!), and I got it all done in about 4 nights, without exausting myself entirely. I think that this worked well and I will continue working in the same way in the future. [Just a small pat on the back for me. Yey me!]

I decided to make the pillow covers using hook & loop tape (e.g. Velcro) closure for two reasons: 1 – I had a whole lot of it and 2 – I didn’t want to mess with the long zippers I would need for the floor pillows. I though about decorative buttons, but my experience with other pillow covers I made with buttons is that they don’t hold up very well under the wear and tear of children pulling at them. I have an excellent tip for sewing hook & loop tape later, so read on…

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Slipcover 101: Sewing Tutorial

March 6, 2014
In: Sewing
Slipcover 101: Sewing Tutorial | Oomanoot #sewing #free #tutorial #slipcover #upholstery

Ta-daaa! The first step of our family room makeover is done! And it “only” took me two weeks of getting in 15 minutes of pinning in here, and 10 minutes of sewing in there… Oh well, that’s how sewing projects happen in this house. V e r y    s l o w l y .

This is actually not the first time I’ve made a slipcover for this couch. I will not share the pictures of the old cover, because I find them embarrassing… What was I thinking when I chose that pattern? Ugh. Anyway, I have learned from experience, and this time went much smoother. Much less argggg on the way and much more being happy with the result.

Upholstery projects can be quite intimidating, but a slipcover is a good place to start, and I have some tips for you from my (sometimes bitter) experience.

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Play Kitchen-in-a-Box: Sewing Tutorial

January 29, 2014
In: Sewing
Play Kitchen in a Box | Oomanoot #kids #toys #sewing #free #tutorial

I don’t know about you, but everytime I see a beautiful  wood play kitchen for kids I think: “Wow! That’s incredible!” And right after that: “But where will I put one of those?”

So, if you’re like me and have already told all your friends and relatives you have run out of room for toys and only bring gifts if they are two dimensional please, this tutorial is for you: A play kitchen in a box. The fabric covered box is the stove and oven, and all the accessories are kept inside. Cook, play and put it away! And – when it gets a bit dusty and musty, take the fabric cover off and wash it! What could be better…

Play Kitchen in a Box | Oomanoot #kids #toys #sewing #free #tutorial read more →

Fabric Headband Sewing Tutorial

January 8, 2014
In: Sewing
Fabric Headband Sewing Tutorial | Oomanoot

My daughter is quite a girly-girl. And while I will raise her to be strong and independent, I’m thoroughly enjoying her girly-ness. A couple of days ago she came home from day care upset because her plastic headband had broke. In an effort to cheer her up I asked if she would like me to make her a new one.

That didn’t work.

So I asked her if she’d like to help me choose the fabric.

She chose three.

Then she was happy.

Fabric Headband Sewing Tutorial | Oomanoot

Then she went somewhere else to play, and I sat down to sew.

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10 Minute DIY Felt Boxes

December 19, 2013
In: Sewing
Oomanoot | 10 Minute DIY Felt Boxes

Storage. Storage. Storage. Storage.

I think that if you’re a crafter, you can never have enough of it. There’s always more yarn to buy, a bag of fiberfill you can’t find room for, or scrap fabrics you know you will need some day.

I was almost done organizing my craft space (it’s always a WIP, but almost done this stage), I was only missing a few boxes to store said fabric and yarn in. What I really wanted were folding boxes, the type they have at Target – but there is no Target here, and IKEA didn’t have the right shape and color for what I wanted. I did not want to make them, and I put in a lot of effort trying to find ready made ones but couldn’t. So, I was left with no choice but to make them myself.

I wanted quick and easy, no lining, no interfacing, no hemming and ironing (saving that kind of work for the “good” stuff), so I decided to make them out of some nice, thick felt. You would think that would at least be easy, but apparently – for those of us who live in the land of over priced milk and honey, it was not so easy and I ended up ordering the felt all the way from China.

So, while this post is titled “10 Minute Felt Boxes”, the correct title would be: “Weeks and Weeks of Trying to Avoid Making These Myself and One Month Waiting for the Felt To Arrive and Then Only 10 Minutes to Make Each Box”. And here’s how:

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A Baby Gift that Works Like a Charm (Pack) – Part 2: Tag Blanket Tutorial

April 25, 2013
In: Sewing
Oomanoot | A Baby Gift that Works Like a Charm (Pack) – Part 2: Tag Blanket Tutorial

When my sister was born I noticed that babies spend much more time playing with the tags on toys than with the actual toys. Even at that young age (this was 1998, and I was 16 at the time) I thought that there should be toys made entirely from tags! What a stroke of genius! Well, apparently it was a good idea, because somebody else thought of it, and tag blankets are now sold everywhere. I even got one from my mother when my own daughter was born.

But! I will not let such a small thing hinder my creative efforts! And when the chance came, I realized that tag blankets are a quick and easy baby gift, and – being handmade – much appreciated. I made a few from scrap fabric I had lying around before realizing I had lovely scraps left over from the soft baby blocks I shared with you last post, and that this would be a perfect use for them.

So, here we go.

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A Baby Gift that Works Like a Charm (Pack) – Part 1: Soft Blocks Tutorial

April 9, 2013
In: Sewing
Oomanoot | A Baby Gift that Works Like a Charm (Pack) - Part 1: Soft Blocks Tutorial

I love precuts. They’re like getting a selection of chocolates, each one tasty on it’s own, but together – a celebration of sweets! And, unlike eating all those chocolates, precuts don’t have a single calorie in them. Obviously, precuts are more expensive per-yard, but I wouldn’t buy that many yards of fabric… Instead, I get a large selection of various fabrics and get to enjoy all of the patterns (and solids).

For this project I used a charm pack from the Moda Lollipop Collection (42 5” pieces), I got it from, but it’s been a while and I’m not sure if it’s still available.

You’ll need 36 pieces for making 6 blocks, but don’t throw away the scraps! We’ll be using them for part 2 of this project – a matching tag blanket. We’ll also use 4 more pieces for the back of the tag blanket, but that’s not strictly necessary, you can use other fabric if you like (I often use minky).

Oomanoot | A Baby Gift that Works Like a Charm (Pack) - Part 1: Soft Blocks Tutorial | Moda Lollipops Charm Pack

Aren’t those colors great?

So, let’s get started!

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100 One Yard Wonders, Two Fat Quarters and a Dinosaur

March 21, 2013
In: Sewing
100 One Yard Wonders Dinosaur

I sometimes think that having a crafty mom makes children spoiled. They can imagine pretty much anything, and I can make it happen, even if it can’t be bought. On the other hand, being able to see the process and the effort which goes into making something might have a counteracting positive effect. I do feel that they appreciate hand made gifts more than store bought items. But that might just be wishful thinking. What do you think?

100 One Yard Wonders Dinosaur read more →