The second tutorial in my rainbow giveaway series is my version of the granny rainbow hat.
I was originally inspired by this rainbow beany by revving it up (I do my best to give credit where it’s due), but when I made one for my daughter, it came out a little bit lumpy. I guess it’s a gauge thing. She wears it anyway.
I was set on having a rainbow hat in the series, so I decided to put some work in and figure out instructions that worked for me. There was some undo-redo, but in the end I came up with a very simple pattern that starts round and stays round, which makes me sooooo happy. I guess it’s an OCD thing.
By the way, if you haven’t entered the giveaway yet – there’s still time! For details click here. It’s open until February 28th, and you can win this hat or enough yarn to make it (and more).
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