About Me

Hi! My name is Rina. I’m a wife and mother of two (so far…) from Israel.
My story starts somewhere in the 4th grade, when we learned to knit and sew in art class. I remember the polka dot pink apron with a ruffle that I made like it was yesterday, as well as my sad attempts to figure out knitting at home after forgetting everything I learned in class. I still have those knitting needles, you know.
Years went by, I finished high school and went off to University and in to the work force to become a web programmer. When I was 27 (I think?) there was a reality series where one of the participants decided to yarn bomb the trees on the set. I guess she was bored. Well, after that I got caught up in the trend. Next thing I knew – I was hooked.

My first projects were knit – a couple of scarfs, a couple of hats, a teddy bear… And then, I decided to get over my fear of crocheting and try that. I discovered that crochet was a craft that suited me much (much!) better. It’s just so much faster. Next thing I knew, I was crocheting all the time and everywhere. My husband realized that I was becoming a serious crafter, and being a supportive spouse, bought me a sewing machine, and a whole new world of options opened up to me!
So, here we are. And here I am. This is where I come to share what I imagine, design and make.
Look around and enjoy your stay, and don’t forget to keep in touch!